
10 things that drive your ideal client away!

Julien Thomas
7 July 2022

1. They’ve been following you on Facebook for a while... They see that you're always offering discounts and promotions... Their first thought: Hmm, she doesn’t seem to have many customers... she's probably not the best around!


2. You have so many choices of services that clients have a hard time finding their way around. Unfortunately, they have a very specific need and they’re looking for quality. They opt to see another professional who clearly explains how they can resolve the client’s problem.


3. They ask you for an appointment and you them for their availability. You give them a lot of choices! Too many choices. Cut it short! Day or evening? Monday 10 a.m. or Thursday next week at 2 p.m.? I love appointment scheduling apps because you can unlock appointments as you go!


4. They disrespect you and you are destabilized. Hell, no! They are not your ideal client! Although, if you're lucky, they may realize just what a pro you are and that they can’t get away with anything, you'll earn their respect for life! Position yourself as a leader with authority!


5. You advertize about your services and go on and on about them. You have to understand that your ideal client is looking for a solution to THEIR problem! They don’t care about your marketing blab la bla. Become the solution to a few important problems and people won't be able to do without you! You have to become the go-to pro! People need you—not the other way around!


6. Thinking you're going to bore potential clients with your BEFORE-AFTERs? Even though people like to say that the pictures are fake, they secretly enjoy looking at the pics and envisioning what their transformation could look like


7. Giving too many characteristics about your product or service. Be careful! Clients don’t want a chemistry lesson. They want a solution to their problems. Yes, sometimes some super cool clients ask technical questions and that's when you can nerd out with them! But in the meantime, you don't want to bore potential clients! There is a better way to start. The important thing is that people understand that you are going to add value to their lives!


8. Having lackluster social media accounts. Honestly, it doesn't take much to make or break it... Too many ads, not enough offers, too many personal posts, or posts every six months. It's like baking bread: sometimes it doesn't rise! You really need to follow the recipe and have a good strategy!


9. Stop ranting on social media... You'll just attract negative comments! Funny, light-hearted people are attracted to funny, light-hearted people. But you know what? Giving your opinion once in a while, in a strategic way, can also sort out your clients in a very positive way... Attracting a clientele that shares your worldview is the best! It's just a matter of balancing it out and taking the time to ask yourself, "If I read this on Facebook, would I find it relevant? Would it resonate with me? Would I want to interact with this post, or would I roll my eyes? Think before you click "Publish.” Reflect on who you want to attract to your business. YOU ARE THE SOUL OF YOUR OWN BUSINESS!


10. Being ill-prepared to talk about a product or treatment is not a viable strategy. Clients ask you questions, but you have so many offers that even in your head, you’re confused. In the end, you appear to just be pushing products on people. Focus on developing one product or treatment at a time. Use your case studies to build your reputation, one step at a time! Give your clients stellar experiences! You will gain their confidence, and in the end, everyone wins!


In a nutshell, give yourself a break. If you have made these types of mistakes, remember that you’re human. You’re entitled to make mistakes. But the more you focus on what's right for your business and take action, the better you'll get!


I hope this article helped you!!!

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XXX Anne

Annne St-Amand - Avec un casque d'écoute

Qui est Anne St-Amand?

J'aide les travailleurs autonomes et les micros-entreprises à propulser leurs revenus tout en retrouvant une qualité de vie inégalable. Je suis spécialisé en développement durable et dans l'acquisition et l'attraction clients idéaux via les réseaux sociaux.


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